You start a case lesson by using the links provided by your teacher. Sometimes, a password is required. This password will also be provided by your teacher.
Playing through a case
A case lesson is built up by pages. Each page can consist of content such as images, text, exercises and simulators. After you have completed all content on a page (read through all text, answered the questions, played through the simulators etc.), you proceed through the case by going to the next page, you find the button “Next page” in the right lower corner on the page. In case there are questions on the page, the button will first say “Check”, and provide you feedback on your answers before you can go to the next page. Make sure you answer all questions on each page before moving on. Once you have clicked check/next page, you cannot change your answers.

In the simulators, you can ask questions to the owner, examine animals, and/or order diagnostics, depending on the case. To enter a simulator, press the button “Start simulator”.

You can go in and out of the simulator as many time as yo want by clicking the “X” button in the top right corner of the simulator window. To end a simulator, press the button “Ready, go to plan” placed at the right lower corner, answer any potential questions and then press “End case”. You will then receive feedback on your actions in the simulator. Make sure to start and play through the simulator before going to the next page of the case, you will not be able to open it on that page afterwards. Some cases can consists of multiple simulators. Note that in some cases, it is not possible to end the simulator. This means that the same simulator will reappear on later pages, where you will be able to end it and receive the feedback.

Play together for more fun and discuss it as you go for a better learning experience!
The end
Once you have reached the last page, press “Finish” on button in the right lower corner on the page. You have now completed the case lesson! Once you are done, some case lessons will provide you additional feedback of the case shown as “Take home message” and the possibility to download a certificate for completed case lesson. You will also be able to see a summary of the case lesson and your answers.